And consider that the pump action is the WORST possible option for any explosive shotgun, since a combat shotgun will have better dps and a double barrel will have better per-shot damage. That being said, the upside to only getting Legendary’s is that you always have the chance to get an absolutely insane Gauss Shotgun that will destroy everything in your path. Adrenal Reaction: Increased Damage Output at low health.

Without Class Freak, this comes at a cost of 50 Health. Fallout 76: Weapon Spotlights: Two Shot Explosive Double Barrel Shotgun When people talk about the Two-Shot Explosive Shotgun, they are often referring to this little number. Using a Shotgun Build requires you to get VERY important weapons perks to actually make use of the weapon. Points stats (that’s right, it excludes Endurance) by +3, or use Bolstering Armor, which helps you maintain a VERY high amount of resistance when at lower health, almost mandatory for Bloodied builds. Additionally, a weapon's level determines the base damage output and condition of the weapon.

Of course, you can swap these around if you deem worthy, or seem to find some aren’t fitting how you play, but for me, this gave me the best plan of attack. I have a three star explosive hardened shotgun I used before but now I can't kill anything with it. Addictol: With the heavy consumption of drugs and alcohol with this build, you’ll really want to stock up on Addictol, just to cure yourself of the nasty negative effects that being addicted can bring. Click the Image Below to head over to the Build Page, When it comes to sporting Armor with your Shotgun Build, it’s important to maintain a good amount of resistance OR health, depending on if you’re going a bloodied or berserker’s route. ️ Eröffnet ein neues Thema in unserem Feedback-Forum, wenn ihr Fehler findet oder Verbesserungsvorschläge habt. Longer barrel modifications also add an aesthetic heat shield to the barrel.

Each of a shotguns pellets can crit in real-time, making shotguns one of the most crit-dependant weapons in the game.